Tuesday 23 February 2016

Changing Perceptions through Advertising - Research Being Human

Documentaries on Channel 4 are sponsored by Mitsubishi Motors where moving the camera angle that made an screen angle that not make sense to then create a final image that makes sense using a range of shapes, water and painting. To create the videos no camera effects was added through CGI. I was then scrolling through Facebook and came across this video made by the Scout Association (Link Here). To test this I used a cutting from a newspaper

How the channel 4 indent was made:

I also found the Lacoste TV advert which was developed by a designer called Zoer.

Below are other Examples of prospective Artwork

For my Being human project I am thinking of creating an installation that has a perspective effect to the final artwork.

I then came across hologram videos and how we can make a hologram using our phone so I watched a video on how to make the video using adobe Premiere Pro and how to make the hologram monitor.

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