Thursday 29 September 2016

University Day 3 - Design Principles

Thursday 29th September (Week 10) - Zone 10 - Collecting

Zone 10 - Research

Today we was tasked to generate a body of research using as many different devices for translating our experiences and observations of all the type you find in our zone, whilst recording and establishing what characters we notice in our assigned area of Sheffield. 

Walking around my assigned zone I came across all ranges of type forms, and street art which i have recorded doing the following:



From my images I have then sketched the type into my sketchbook and annotated what parts of the design of the type I like and would then look at developing the different styles into the different characters that I have got to design. 

Colour Themes

From the Roebuck Pub (1), The Plug (2), Building (3) and the Patrick Moore image (4) I have used Adobe Capture to extract the colours theme. The colour themes are then available to access within the Libraries tab within the Adobe Creative Cloud Softwares workspace.  I really like the colour theme for the Roebuck Pub. Collecting the colour themes will allow me to have a range of colour swatches from my zone making it more related to my assigned area of Sheffield. 

Collected Objects

Within zone 10 there is the A.P.G Works Art Gallery where I found a series of flyers with different forms of type presented within. 

Zone 10 - Group Meeting

All the students who have been assigned Zone 10, we had to meet Jenni Whitehead at the Cantor Building Cafe on Arundel Street. We had to share our sketchbooks to show each other what we had found from our zone. Everyones was different because we all record our findings in different ways. For example, taking images, sketching in our sketchbooks, rubbings and collecting different objects
What Next...

Friday 30th September - In the HPO Building - Sketchbook Review

Continue to research into type and doing sketches in my sketchbook.