Monday 19 September 2016

University Induction Brief

As my university start date approaches I received a welcome email, which contained the a nice little brief to get our minds thinking about our choose design pathway. The brief goes as follows:

Hello and welcome to your first brief!
This is a simple introductory activity that we will discuss in the induction week. It helps us get an idea of how you view the role of graphic design and illustration and also gives you an opportunity to see choices your fellow students have made.
The brief.
We would like you to select three examples of graphic design and/or illustration and upload them onto the following Flickr group:

You must also write a short description of what it is, what it is for and (if possible) who produced it. You may want to also tag the images.
The images may be historical or contemporary examples. They may be accessed online, scanned from books or photographed by yourself.
x3 images uploaded to the above Flickr group site by 19.09.16
Written descriptor for each image. Your name and course. 

To complete the brief I have selected these three designs below and have provided a description for each and why i have chosen these designs. My pathway of choice is Graphic Design. 


 Cobra Dogs. 2008. Aaron James Draplin. 

Aaron James Draplin is a Graphic Designer from Portland Oregon. He is the founder of Draplin Design Company. Draplin has worked with big clients such as Nike and the Obama Administration Which he calls “Getting the call up to the big leagues”. However, although creating a logo for the likes of Nike which made him thousands of dollars, he also found that the work he designed for nothing, is just as big and meaningful. 

Cobra Dogs is a hot dog cart company that at first used a copyrighted logo (G.I. Joe Cobra Commander logo) and was on the verge of losing everything, with no money nobody would take the job, to design Cobra Dogs a new logo. Aaron Draplin found that he couldn't turn down the opportunity to design the logo. The brief stated that the logo needed to consist of a python eating its tail. Draplin developed the logo using a rounded edged font and the vector drawing of the python. The colours pale of the logo is the hot red and cool yellow to signifying the ketchup and mustard. This was the start of creating the unique brand that Cobra Dogs is today, franchising all over America. Although Draplin didn't make any money designing the logo he knew that he had helped a friend and to me this shows that design is not just a job, it is also a hobby as long as you enjoy what you do. I picked the Cobra Dogs logo out of all the logos that Draplin has created because although every logo has a background story, I feel that the Cobra Dog’s story shows that there is more to design than making money.

Aaron James Draplin inspired me to take up Graphic Design after watching series of his videos online. Showing a range of different techniques, he uses to create his designs, which has influenced my designs today.
To find out more about Aaron James Draplin Below is a link to my YouTube playlist of the different videos that I have watched and a link to the Draplin Designs website;

Graphic Design

Callum Shutt


The Swan & Mallard. 2014. John Randall

John Randall, based in London Uk, specialises in Branding, Packaging, Illustration and Ideation. A current trend within design is the use of positive and negative space. Positive and negative space is evident within the ampersand (the logogram “&”) of the logo. John’s logo for The Swan & Mallard illustrates all three aspects of the restaurant's name. The swan and the ampersand in white (positive space) the mallard within the background (negative space). The beak for both the swan and the Mallard are presented using the colour Orange which helps make the mallard and swan visible to the viewer, completing the design. From the logo, John Randall developed the brand for the restaurant designing business cards, menus and the restaurants signage. The colour scheme throughout the brand is minimalistic which helps keep the logo balanced and creates a simple design. John states on his website that “The design aims to be memorable by intending to create a smile in the mind of those that see it.” 

I have chosen to post The Swan & Mallard logo because I am inspired by the use of negative space within logo design and this design caught my eye and is easily memorable. After discovering the logo design I have been working on developing logos incorporating negative space within my designs. 

To find out more about John Randall below is a link to his website and the link to the bechance page for The Swan & Mallard Branding.

Graphic Design 
Callum Shutt


Craig Ward. 2015. Adobe Remix

Craig Ward is a British born Designer and Creative Director, currently based in New York. He is primary known for his pioneering typographic work. In 2015 he was asked to participate in the Adobe Remix project by Adobe. Adobe Remix is a project where creative where asked to play, experiment, hack, make, socialise, illustrate, and mashup the Adobe Logo in any way they see fit and will be part of the Adobe logo remix. 
Using light bulbs positioned at different heights and depths to create the Adobe logo. The lights suspended from a frame that was hoisted 12 ft into the air and suspended from the ceiling. The theme for the Adobe remix came from the idea that “The lightbulb has long been a visual expression of inspiration, and the Adobe Creative Cloud represents a coming together of countless creative minds.”

I choose this project by Craig Ward because I like how the logo for Adobe has been developed into an installation, and its a great way to catch people attention and show the real power of the logo and how it can developed further than the finished graphic.  To find out more about Craig Ward below is a link to his website and the link to the bechance page for Adobe Remix and how it was created.

Graphic Design 
Callum Shutt

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