Tuesday 1 December 2015

Contextual Studies - What I'm getting out of it

Over the weeks of contextual I have found that looking into the different eras of the art and design history I have found that I can look at different types of art movements such as dada and bauhaus for example. Although the main subject areas might not be graphic design however I have noticed that the different movements of art and design have influenced graphic design today and the different techniques used within graphic design (typography. Looking at René Magritte work for example has influenced the advertisement, logos ect 
The Son of Man, 1946 by Rene Magritte
The Son of Man

Rene Magritte influenced advertisement for a Volkswagen. Still used within advertisement today 

The false Mirror was the influence for the CBS logo 
DADA has influenced typography and Photo Montage

From the Contextual research this allows me to see how graphic design has developed and how I can use the contextual references within my own work.

Looking into how the course I'm currently studying (Art and Design Foundation) and how it os based on the Bauhaus Manifesto 

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