Friday 27 November 2015

Live Drawing Session 7

This week I went back to the beginning and used pencil to try and help motivate my self back into starting to enjoying life drawing again. I started the session not making meny measurments and found that my drawing was very stretched and out of  proportion so for the second half of the session I used measurments and referneces to develop my life drawing.

First Half of the session.

Second half of the session.

by the end of the session my drawings was alto more in proportion, however due to time it was taking me to long to get all of the measurement, so for next week I will continue with the measurements and proportion with the intention that the more I pactice I will get quicker at the life drawing. hopeflly by the time it comes to portfolio presentations for university I will have a collection of strong final artwork of my life drawing. 

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