Tuesday 15 December 2015

D&AD Adobe Brief - The Inside Scoop

Adobe brief writer, Craig Oldham (Office of Craig Oldham) gives you a ready, steady, go.

1. Why should people be excited by this brief?

It being a campaign brief, it’s pretty open, and open briefs always yield some good shit. It’s a chance to really run with your ideas, see where they can go, limited only by your own imagination really.

2. What are the dangers/pitfalls entrants could fall into while responding to this brief?

Try not to get bogged down in endless reinterpretation. The re-definition should always come from a place of meaning to the brand. Whether that’s in the exploration of it’s software, or more conceptual, it has to have a degree of relevance. Without that, you could fall into the trap of just playing with something for the sake of it.

3. No freebies, but give us a pointer. Where would you start?

I’d find what I think is the best thing about the brand, and start there. In other words, start by finding your opinion.

Insight From Your Client

Want insider information on your client's brief? Watch this space. We have an exclusive interview with the brand coming very soon.

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