Sunday 2 October 2016

University Day 4 - Design Principles

Friday 30th September - HPO Studio - Sketchbook Review

Sketchbook Review

To start the session, we had to get in a line in the order of the number of syllables that we had in our name. I had a total of 3 syllables (Callum Shutt). We were then split into different groups with peers who had been allocated different zones and shared our sketchbooks to see how we all work differently within our sketchbooks and what they had found within our different zones. After looking at each other's sketchbooks and other groups we were then tasked with writing five words / phrases that best describes the current sketchbook that you was looking through. 

In our groups, we then had to create a list of what we thought was the most important words / phrase that  best described what sketchbook should be. we had 40 words to narrow down to the top 5:

3.Good research
4.Good use of technique
5.Interesting Ideas

A keyword I got out of this task was Personal because everyone works differently within their sketchbook using different mark making materials, annotation, images. Even the size of the sketchbook is personal. 

Then we had to create yet another list of what not to do in a sketchbook:

1.Leaving Blank pages
2.Decorating pages (adding borders)
3.Pointless annotations
4.Covering up mistakes
5.Mixing project work with personal work

Before I started college and started to use a sketchbook I always removed and covered up my mistakes from my work but I have found that mistakes are good because they show how your designs have developed and can help inspire other designs in the future.

From looking at other people's sketchbooks within the session I am going to have a go at using different mark making materials, as all I am currently using is a pen and a pencil. I am also going to do some quick observational drawings.

What Next...

Monday the 3rd October (Week 11) - In the HPO Building - Alphabet City

In my self directed study time I am going to look round the Millennium Gallery and do the typographic tour of Sheffield
Link below is about the typographic Tour of Sheffield 

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