Tuesday 4 October 2016

University Day 5 & 6 - Design Principles

Day 5

Monday 3rd October (Week 11) - In the HPO Building - Alphabet City

Alphabet City

Working with different letter forms on Monday we were given a sheet of tracing paper which consisted of a grid with 5 columns and 3 rows. we had 3 exercises to carry out:

Exercise One:
Select a lower case letter from the alphabet – using the 5 frames, trace it, but amend elements of it to create a narrative based on the word ‘STRETCH

Exercise Two:
Select an Upper case letter from the alphabet – using the 5 frames, trace it, but amend it to describe a narrative based on the word ‘SHRINK

Exercise Three:
Select another letter & using Upper and lower case – using the 5 frames, trace them & morph them, to describe a narrative based on the word ‘DESTROY’ 

What I did is shown below:

After the First set of exercises, we were given another sheet of tracing paper which only had two rows and 5 columns. 

Exercise Four:
Trace any lowercase letter in square 1, and trace a different uppercase letter in square 5.
By tracing elements from both, create a visual narrative that travels from one to the other.

Exercise Five:
Think of a 5 letter word that describes your experience/definition of Sheffield. 

By tracing the 5 letters explore how we could write the word, that characterises the meaning of it.

Exercise Six:
How do you want to define Sheffield? 

This task was to amend all the letters in the word ‘SHEFFIELD’ to create a unified word. We were given a choice of the word Sheffield typed in different forms to trace (Upper & Lower / serif/sans serif). We were also given sheets of black and white silhouettes of different things that can be found in Sheffield to help amend the word Sheffield to create a unified word. 

What I did is shown below:

Day 6
Tuesday 4th October (Week 11) - In the HPO Building - Light Letters

Anatomy of type 
The session started with a presentation about the anatomy of type. We then were showed an example of type work by Ed Fella which showed that each character fo our alphabet doesn't have to have a set theme throughout but each individual character could have its own theme and the type will still look good when put together with other characters to form words. 

Light Letters

From a selection of different letters (Upper & Lower / serif/sans serif), we had to select one letter and look at the anatomy of that letter and draw it onto a sheet of A5 paper. I choose the Letter K:

 After looking at the anatomy of the letter we then, Using acetatedesign the letter using up to 4 colours (primary and Green) to show the different parts of the anatomy of the K. 

For the next task, we had to use inspiration from the research gathered so far about our assigned zones (Zone 10) and design a letter using the Acetate to present the letter. 

What Next...

Thursday 6th October - In the HPO Building - Like Letters

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