Monday 24 October 2016

University Week 11 to Week 12 - Design Principles

Thursday 6th / Friday 7th October  (Week 11) - In the HPO Building - Like Letters

Over the two days, we were split into groups and we had set times to partake in different activities.

Activity 1 Like Letters

‘Like Letters’ is a project inspired by Fiona Woodcock's & Joanna Rucklidge's mutual appreciation for typographic forms. The project borrows from the concept of written exchanges & love letters. The letters are 'posted' every two weeks - the responses are a direct 'reply' to the previous design. The visual dialogue captures the 'to & fro' of ideas, craft & character. The alphabet of 26 letters includes upper & lower case, and the project is running neatly for 52 weeks, starting on June 1st 2014. 
to find out more about like letters here is the blog page for the Like Letters Project.

For this activity, we had to pick a letter from Fiona Woodcock's & Joanna Rucklidge's exhibit and using the theme for that letter create our own version of the net letter in the alphabet. 

I picked the letter C

And designed the letter D

Activity 2 Love Letters

For this activity, we were each given a page with consisted of the letters of the alphabet and an instruction to Add or remove. We were then given a Keyword, of which we had to follow to either add or remove to the letter. If you had Add as your instruction you used a black marker and if you had remove you had a White marker. 

The sheets we then passed around clockwise each person working on a different letter. below are examples of some of the sheets that was passed around.  Alphabet Disruption.

Activity 3 Crit

Activity 3 was an opportunity for us within our groups to discuss our thoughts about our sketchbook and initial ideas for the project, and ask any questions related to the project. 

Activity 4 Mutant Letters

Was a self-guided activity where we had to use letterforms and merge them together to create an image and different letter forms. 

(I currently have not Images of my work Due to Submission for this module.)

Monday 10th October Week 12 - in the HPO Building - Visual Translations. 

In Monday's session we looked at the Linear A and Linear B scripts and using ink we painted a selection of the scripts symbols and looked at how they could be used visually to communicate within this project. After painting the Linear Scripts we then had to design out our own related to our experiences within Sheffield so far. Once we had designed out symbols we had to then cut them out using vinyl stickers stick them onto a piece of acrylic and also carve them into the clay. 

My first Symbol was about Drinking.

My second Symbol was about beating Jack at a sumo wrestling

My final symbol was about going climbing.

Tuesday 11th October (Week 12) - In the HPO Building - Drawing Workshop

In Monday's session, we looked at drawing different letter forms using our senses. we had to listen to different letter forms being described and had to draw what we thought the letter was that was being described. Using touch we had letters in black bags which we had to figure out what the hidden letter was. Using sweats shaped as letters we had to use our tongue to figure out what the letter the sweat was shaped as. 

After the break, we then watched a Documentary about Helvetica by Gary Hustwit 

Film, about graphic design, typography and in general, about the global visual culture we live in. The film is centred around the popular font Helvetica that in 2007 turned 50 years old. Interviews with renown designers around the world such as Erik Spiekermann, Matthew Carter, Massimo Vignelli, Wim Crouwel, Hermann Zapf, Neville Brody, Stefan Sagmeister.

Thursday 13th October (Week 12) - In the HPO Building - Printmaking Workshop

In this session, we used different methods of creating letterforms using ink in various different ways. I currently have no images of my work due to having to submit my work to be assessed. When My work is available I will update this blog post. 

Friday 14th October (Week 12) - In the HPO Building - Briefing

With this module coming to a close we had a briefing on how to present our final alphabet and where we need to submit our work on Monday the 17th October. 

We were then presented with an additional brief to complete by the 1st November.

Communication Brief

As a group, discuss & agree in what ways you can communicate a message and/or intervention in Sheffield.
Build on the knowledge & research you have gained about Sheffield, to develop an opinion about Sheffield that you will communicate in a typographic format of your choice.
Use all the skills & experiences you have brought with you from past courses, and build on the skills gained whilst working with research, image-making & type during the Design Principles module.
Employ all these tools to convey a typographic message/statement/question etc in an appropriate format and relevant environment of your choice. 

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