Friday 16 October 2015

Exploratory stages

Over the last few weeks;

Using roles of wool as a college group we  covered the upper section of the room. the objective of this task was to look at Positive and Negative space. To create more positive space throughout the room we used tissue paper the fill in the negative space across the room.


Then using Plaster bandage and metal wire we had to create a 3D model of from upper section of wool and tissue paper. So I started with the wire to create a basic structure of one of the shapes produced by the tissue. Once I had created the basic structure I used Plaster Bandage to cover the metal wire Structure.

Using the iPad Application Pixlr by Autodesk I uploaded the picture of the 3D Model. 

I then added an overlay of an image of the tissue paper shapes

I then added a Drapple effect and changed the brightness of the image

Adding then a Aubergine tie die overlay, I found that the effects applied make my 3D Model look like a leaf

I then had a play with the Different effects that i could apply through the iPad Application.

I then went outside college and took a photograph of the my 3D  Model within the outdoor environment.

Opening one of the images in the iPad application Pixlr

I then added an overlay of an image of the tissue paper shapes and a silk effect to the image.

Next I added the Aubergine tie die overlay

I then added an Ink Broader called blackish which brightened the final image. 

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