Wednesday 7 October 2015

University Portfolio Inspiration

Below are objects and images that I have used as inspiration to help me develop my portfolio for University. To produce my portfolio I am using Adobe Indesign:

The scouting magazine gave me the idea for the cover image and dimensions of my portfolio. Width: 210mm Height: 270mm with a 12mm boarder on the front cover of the portfolio.

This image is a page out of the Spring 2015 issue of the Computer Arts magazine where I have gained inspiration for the text layout and style that I am going to use throughout my portfolio. 

This piece of inspiration is a sticker of the Awesome Walls Climbing Centre Logo. The red line that goes under the text and then becomes a mountain, gave me the idea of using this as a bottom boarder for the content pages within the portfolio and  create vectors of the the activities I do outside of college. Which give my portfolio a more personal touch, and the portfolio is meant to be all about me! 

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