Tuesday 22 September 2015

Propaganda Poster Images and Text

In Adobe photoshop I came up with the idea of having a paint brush and a pencil crossing over within the poster design, so I inserted both of the images into Adobe Photoshop and removed the backgrounds of the images, to leave me with just the pencil and the brush. To make the pencil and the brush look like they should be placed within a propaganda poster I used the filter gallery in the filters options and applied a halftone pattern to the Items. I used the colours #ee3125 and #00264b. I created the following image of the pencil and the paint brush

Next I will work on the Text style I will use within the Propaganda Poster

For the Propaganda Poster I took images of the letter and number stamps and came up with the idea of removing the letters and numbers from the background shape. the images below show examples of the stamps I took images of:

Using Adobe illustrator I developed the text for the propaganda poster, the image below shows the text i created in Adobe Illustrator:

Then within Adobe Photoshop I will edit the colours and textures of the text, within the poster layout.

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