Tuesday 8 September 2015

Welcome - First Day at College

Day 1 - I would just like to welcome everyone to my blog, that I have set up to keep an online diary.  Where I will be posting my projects developments and experiences. On the 7th (yesterday) I started the Art and Design Foundation Diploma at North Notts College. My first task was a blank canvas and had to just be creative without thinking too much about what I was doing, so using paint I created ranges of colour shapes and variations of lines using my hands and a stick. Then using black paint I went over sections of the work to identify different shapes. After using the black paint I used the camera and tripod to take pictures of the different shapes and angles of my image using the Marco camera mode which I will then extract the different textures that the images display and then use them within future design work and change the colours of the images using Adobe Photoshop. 

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