Monday 4 January 2016

Alternative Miss World Research 2

Andrew logan was inspired by the Cruffs Dog show and decided to do the alternative miss world and hosted the event as the host and hostess (Shown in the Image Above). which resulted in a massive audience Quoted in the video "everyone came, the whole world and its brother was there" people such as, David Hockney, David Bowey and wife for example. Alternative miss world has now been going off for over 40 years. From the videos I could see that people just didn't care on stage or behind the scenes. 

Miss world

When you compare the Alternative Miss World to Miss World and Mister World, you have to be a certain dress size, have certain body shape, and be attractive however compared to the the alternative miss world you can look like anything and become anything as there is no boundaries because nobody cares.

By having Alternative Miss World As our current project at college with the theme of Words and Numbers, we have no boundaries all we have todo is challenge our specific area of design. so from my last post I will look more into the alternative miss world instead of going down the easy route and just rebranding the alternative miss world which is an idea given within the brief if we get stuck.

So the theme words and number.  Someone on my course asked Does the words and numbers have to be written down? well  words and numbers can be written down but they are also said as well.

During a session emma stumbled across the Carnival of Self-Expression when she visited this website. Click Here

Carnival of Self-Expression - Once a year, tens of thousands of participants gather to create Black Rock City in Nevada's Black Rock Desert, dedicated to community, art, self-expression, and self-reliance. They depart one week later, having created unbelievable artistic experiences, and having left no trace whatsoever. The 2015 Carnival of Self-Expression was called the Burning Man 2015 Carnival Of mirror. 

Click Here for Slide Show of Images of the Carnival Of Self-Expression.

After watching this video I went back to the very beginning because the clip of the car with
her journey to the burning man which reminded me of a article in the Computer Arts Project
Diaries section of issue #248 January 2016 (shown Below)


Part of the project was to create a Costume for the SeWhat Event in March however due to me
being interested in graphic design I didn't want to make a costume, and after speaking with 
Jon and reading the design brief again I was going to design a poster for the event but because
it was based on the alternative miss world it had to be different and not what you would expect
for the poster of the SeWhat event. Using the research i have found i will start to put some ideas
down on paper.

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