Friday 22 January 2016

Portfolio layout Development

After choosing to change my portfolio from an A4 portfolio to a A3 portfolio I was looking at different layouts for my portfolio. Using layout pad I layedout 12 sheets in a 3x4 layout. I then drawed a thick black line from page 1 that linked all the pages together. I then later my work above the pages. I got this idea from when I visited Nottingham Trent for the open day and in the shop there was a display which consisted of  different pages so they was all connected together with just one line. After looking from a distance I found that the black line was very over powering drawing my attention away from my work. To reduce this I could reduce the thickness of the line and the colour such as clyan which isn't as in your face. Finally I came to the conclusion that I will just have my work on  black card removing the boarder and just present my work. From this I found that I need to be more confident about the quality of my work and not to try and distract people away by overcomplicating my portfolio design.

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