Friday 29 January 2016

Contextual Brief

Along Side the Being Human Project I will also be working on the Contextual Brief (Shown Below)

Personal Contextual Investigation
This project enables you to extend your understanding of historical and contextual developments in relation to a particular time period and your own chosen Pathway subject. It should also be seen as an introduction to your research development for your Final Major Project.
You are asked to select a period of time that has been covered during the introduction to historical contextual understanding sessions. You should explore social developments that caused artists or designers to produce work in the manner that represents ‘Art Movements’ from the chosen timescale.
• You should choose an area of art or design that relates to your own chosen Pathway subject and produce an individual written investigation of 1500 words.
• Your written work should be complimented by a creative presentation to be devised with a partner from your group who has a similar pathway subject interest. You will be required to present a combined summary of your research findings that both entertains and informs other members of the group 

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